Galatians 6:2 KJV
Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
Hebrew 13:16 MSG
Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship – a different kind of “sacrifice” – that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets.
We are assigned to help our brethren in need.
~~In need of a BIBLE? Ask by email.~~
Everyday, someone is hungry. Be thankful for a meal.
I will be doing scheduled feeding events to feed the homeless. Information will be provided as I schedule these events. If you would like to volunteer your services or inquire about donations you can reach out to Outreach Ministries by email. Thank you in advance.
“Are you warm?” donation drive
Gathering gently used/new blankets, coats, hats, gloves, scarves and socks. These items will be provided to those that are homeless, as well as those less fortunate to purchase or unable to retrieve from resource agencies. Reach out by email for further information or if you would like to donate. You are appreciated.
Hygiene & Cleaning supplies help Outreach Ministries would like to assist help with hygiene items as well as cleaning supplies. Hygiene items such as deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap. Cleaning supplies such as multi-cleaner & washing detergent. Hygiene items will be provided in gift bags to the homeless as needed. Cleaning supplies & hygiene items will be available to those less fortunate to retrieve. To donate items please reach out by email. You are appreciated. Babies In Need
Caring for babies always calls for assistance. Outreach Ministries will have assistance with diapers & wipes. As well as resource information to have access for other needs. Such as clothing, WIC, childcare and any other area were help is needed. ~It takes a village to raise a child.
If you would like to donate please reach out by email:
For those who would like to submit your donation as a tax write-off, a receipt can be provided upon request.
If you would like to give a love offering for donations thank you for doing so by CashApp at $inspireunchange or you can reach out by email to discuss how to in different form. You are appreciated.